
Goldstone is the first purpose-built monitoring, management and analytics platform for operating OpenStack clouds. The Goldstone server allows OpenStack cloud operators to:

  • Discover and visualize the OpenStack cloud configuration and logs
  • Report on key events and metrics at all layers of the cloud platform

Future plans including adding the ability to:

  • Analyze and diagnose common issues
  • Automate common cloud management and maintenance tasks


The installation instructions are in INSTALL.


Point your browser to the Goldstone server and login using the "superuser" account you created during the installation.

Code development

HACKING has instructions for installing and using the Goldstone development environment.

Goldstone API

The client provided by this project is only one possible client. Anyone can create a new and different Goldstone client that uses the Goldstone API, and provideS a different user experience.

The Goldstone API is interactively documented via swagger-ui. To access the API documentation:

  1. Install the Goldstone development environment.
  2. Using your favorite browser, open the file http://localhost:8000/docs/

Support and discussion

If you need general help or have questions, please submit a message to the goldstone-users Google Group.

If you have a specific feature request or bug report, please submit it as an issue on this project's Issues page.

If you're working on the codebase and have a coding question, or a question about Goldstone internals, post your question to the goldstone-dev Google Group, or join the #goldstone IRC channel on freeenode.

All pull requests should be submitted to the master branch. They should include unit tests where feasible, and additional or updated documentation if appropriate.