Goldstone Installation

Before installing Goldstone, your environment must meet the following prerequisites:

Server requirements

  • 4GB RAM
  • x64 CPU (or 4 core VM on x64 host)
  • 100 GB free disk space
  • CentOS / RHEL 7.x
  • Docker >= 1.11.0 (Install instructions)
  • Docker running (systemctl start docker)
  • Docker configured to start at boot (systemctl enable docker)

Cloud requirements

  • RDO Kilo
  • OpenStack hosts must allow connections from Goldstone Server on ports:
  • TCP/5000
  • Goldstone Server must allow connections from OpenStack server on ports:
  • TCP/5514
  • TCP/5515
  • TCP/5516
  • UDP/5517
  • TCP/9200
  • Goldstone Server must allow connections from UI Clients on port:
  • TCP/8443

Browser requirements

The Goldstone web client is developed and tested with Firefox, Safari, or Chrome. We do not currently have a definitive list of supported browser versions, but the compatibility chart reflects what we think should work.

Package Installation (as root)

  1. Obtain license credentials from Solinea (Enterprise version only)
  2. yum localinstall -y link_provided_by_solinea
  3. Edit /opt/goldstone/docker/config/goldstone-prod.env, and set values appropriate for your environment.
  4. Follow the post-install steps as directed in the RPM installer output

Direct Logs and Events to the Goldstone Server

This procedure will modify the configuration of your OpenStack server(s). All changed configuration files will be backed up with a file of the form name.{timestamp}.

With Goldstone installed, the only task left is to configure OpenStack servers to send logs and events to the Goldstone server. Execute the following command to perform the configuration, substituting appropriate values for names and addresses:

root# docker exec -i -t docker_gsapp_1 bash
(venv)app@2f31cd23f422:~$ fab -f -H {OpenStack_controller_IP,OpenStack_compute_IP,...} configure_stack:{goldstone_addr}

Executing task 'configure_stack'
This utility will modify configuration files on the hosts
supplied via the -H parameter, and optionally restart
OpenStack and syslog services.

Do you want to continue (yes/no)? [yes]
Restart OpenStack and syslog services after configuration changes(yes/no)? [yes]
Goldstone server's hostname or IP accessible to OpenStack hosts? {your goldstone ip}  # this is the IP address of your Goldstone server

List of modified files

The following files are modified by the configure_stack task. For the complete list of modifications performed, refer to Appendix A.

  • /etc/rsyslog.conf
  • /etc/rsyslog.d/10-goldstone.conf
  • /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf
  • /etc/ceilometer/event_pipeline.yaml
  • /etc/ceilometer/event_definitions.yaml
  • /etc/ceilometer/api_paste.ini
  • /etc/nova/nova.conf
  • /etc/nova/api-paste.ini
  • /etc/nova/nova_api_audit_map.conf
  • /etc/cinder/cinder.conf
  • /etc/cinder/api-paste.ini
  • /etc/cinder/cinder_api_audit_map.conf
  • /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
  • /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini
  • /etc/neutron/neutron_api_audit_map.conf
  • /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
  • /etc/glance/glance-cache.conf
  • /etc/glance/glance-api.conf
  • /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf
  • /etc/glance/glance-scrubber.conf
  • /etc/glance/glance-api-paste.ini
  • /etc/glance/glance_api_audit_map.conf

Access the client

Point your browser at the Goldstone server IP address or name and begin using Goldstone. You can log in as the gsadmin user with the password you configured in the goldstone-prod.env file. It may take a few minutes for data to be populated in the client, but within 5 minutes, you should see charts and tables start to fill in.

https://{your ip address}:8443

Uninstallation (as root)

This process may take a long time while it removes the Goldstone containers and images. It does not revert configuration changes made to OpenStack via the configure_stack task.

  • yum remove goldstone-server # for open source version


  • yum remove goldstone-server-enterprise # for enterprise version

Appendix A - OpenStack Configuration Changes

This appendix documents the various configuration changes required to fully integrate Goldstone and your OpenStack cloud.

RDO Kilo


In the MODULES section of the file, the following directives are added:

# Increase max message size to 64k
$MaxMessageSize 64k

# Preserve full domain names
$PreserveFQDN on

# Use high resolution timestamp for forwarded
$ActionForwardDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/rsyslog/10-goldstone.conf.template. Substitute the IP address of your Goldstone Server host for the string %(goldstone_addr)s within the template.


Within the [DEFAULT] section, the following values are changed or added:

syslog_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL3
use_syslog = True
verbose = True

Within the [event] section, the following values are changed or added:

definitions_cfg_file = event_definitions.yaml
drop_unmatched_notifications = False

Within the [notification] section, the following values are changed or added:

store_events = True
disable_non_metric_meters = True

Within the [database] section, the following values are changed or added (substitute the IP address of your Goldstone Server host for the goldstone_addr):

event_connection = es://**goldstone_addr**:9200


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml.template. Substitute the IP address of your Goldstone Server host for the string %(goldstone_addr)s within the template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/ceilometer/event_pipeline.yaml.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/ceilometer/event_definitions.yaml.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/ceilometer/api-paste.ini.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


Within the [DEFAULT] section, the following values are changed or added:

syslog_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
use_syslog = True
verbose = True
instance_usage_audit = True
instance_usage_audit_period = hour
notify_on_state_change = vm_and_task_state

The notification_driver parameter in the [DEFAULT] section accepts multiple values. To specify an additional value, you can add the following line after all other entries:

notification_driver = messagingv2


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/nova/api-paste.ini.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/nova/nova_api_audit_map.conf.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


Within the [DEFAULT] section, the following values are changed or added:

syslog_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL5
use_syslog = True
verbose = True
control_exchange = cinder

The notification_driver parameter in the [DEFAULT] section accepts multiple values. To specify an additional value, you can add the following line after all other entries:

notification_driver = messagingv2


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/cinder/api-paste.ini.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/cinder/cinder_api_audit_map.conf.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


Within the [DEFAULT] section, the following values are changed or added:

syslog_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL2
use_syslog = True
verbose = True


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/neutron/api-paste.ini.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/neutron/neutron_api_audit_map.conf.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


Within the [DEFAULT] section, the following values are changed or added:

syslog_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL2
use_syslog = True
verbose = True
notification_format = cadf

The notification_driver parameter in the [DEFAULT] section accepts multiple values. To specify an additional value, you can add the following line after all other entries:

notification_driver = messaging


Within the [DEFAULT] section, the following values are changed or added:

syslog_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL1
use_syslog = True
verbose = True


Within the [DEFAULT] section, the following values are changed or added:

syslog_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL1
use_syslog = True
verbose = True

The notification_driver parameter in the [DEFAULT] section accepts multiple values. To specify an additional value, you can add the following line after all other entries:

notification_driver = messagingv2


Within the [DEFAULT] section, the following values are changed or added:

syslog_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL1
use_syslog = True
verbose = True

The notification_driver parameter in the [DEFAULT] section accepts multiple values. To specify an additional value, you can add the following line after all other entries:

notification_driver = messagingv2


Within the [DEFAULT] section, the following values are changed or added:

syslog_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL1
use_syslog = True
verbose = True


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/glance/glance-api-paste.ini.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.


This file is installed from a template. The template is located within the installation directory at external/glance/glance_api_audit_map.conf.template. If you have customized your file, the Goldstone team will be happy to assess how best to merge the customizations. Please contact us.